FakeJonathan Twitter Updates

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ponytail of the Week: John Belushi

The ponytail of the week goes out posthumously to John Belushi, star of the Samurai skits on Saturday Night Live.

I remember watching these samurai skits as a kid and thinking that this is the way of leadership-- you brandish your sword, mumble a lot, and everybody knows exactly what you mean.

For my Halloween staff meeting this year I dressed like Belushi and did the whole Samurai bit while my directs did their status reports. I even cut a pumpkin in half while Anil Gadre was doing his marketing update. Poor bastard nearly shit a brick, but we all had a good laugh.


Anonymous said...

I once had one, but it made me look to sissy, cut it off!

Anonymous said...

I hear Sun is settling with NetApp, which is good news for investors, and a signal that we can all move on to more important business.

Anonymous said...

The new Sun Communicator is going to be awesome. Jonathan deserves all the credit for this Earth-shattering product. Thank God that NetApp is behind us.

Anonymous said...

Where did Fake John go? :(

Anonymous said...

Golden parachute time for Jonathan?

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Schwartz is the biggest dipshit I've ever known!

Anonymous said...


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